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Show-off your prized yacht

Create, share and explore yacht configurations, document your adventures and connect with other sailors

Show off your yacht

Upload images and videos of your yacht to showcase to the world.

Upload videos and images

Detail your modifications

Become someone's inspiration

We would love to see your yacht

Welcome to 11Knots, the ultimate platform to showcase and celebrate your thrilling ships. Whether you're an avid adventurer, a DIY enthusiast, or simply passionate about creating the perfect ship, our app has everything you need to document, share, and connect.

Want to see something cool?

Discover awe-inspiring ships from across the globe. Immerse yourself in a world of customized yachts, epic trips, and awesome modifications that will fuel your desire and inspire your own sailing adventures.


11Knots is designed and will continue to be improved upon, to provide you with a fun and easy way to showcase your yacht builds. We want you to show-off what you've built and be able to connect with other like-minded creators.


Find a build you like and bookmark it


Show your support and love with likes


Have a chance to be featured on 11Knots

Create your ship

Create your own ship configuration and document everything

Document your adventure

Detail everything about your adventures. Add days, waypoints, images and more.

Follow other sailors

Connect with other sailors and inspire others with your creations


We'd love to share with you our roadmap of where we would like to take things in the near future. Please keep in mind these items are technically, subject to change, however it is incredibly unlikely as we have a goal that without these features, would not quite be achieved.


Detail the adventures you've taken



Leave comments and let others known what you think of their yacht


Meet up with other sailors

Ship history


Track your ships modifications over time


Clothing, customs stickers, and more!